Call us: (573)481-0505

Board & Staff

Board of Directors

President: Mandy Newton, mandy@andersongreen.com

Vice President: Shannon Stanley, shannon.stanley@btparts.com 

Secretary: Jami Geske, jamigeske@gmail.com

Treasurer: Michelle Shaner, Michelle.Shaner@lockton.com

Executive Director: Jane Pfefferkorn, missionmissouri1j@gmail.com

Past President: Michael Harris, michaelk_harris@yahoo.com

                            Lisa Adams, 

Our Staff

Jane Pfefferkorn, Executive Director, BS, CCJP, MRSS

Rose Davis, Chief Operating Officer, Coach, Counselor

  • Linda Boyce, Accounting/Office Manager
  • Lindsey Kennard, Billing/Admin. Asst
  • Deb Baker, Residential Director, MAADC II, Chaplain
  • Ashely Ballard, House Manager
  • Molly Sain, Assessor
  • AJ. Robinson, Group Facilitator, Certified Peer Specialist
  • Shelley Taylor, Coach
  • Corrie Pfefferkorn, Spiritual Mentor
  • Jennifer Tilley, Recovery Support

We are strongest when operating as a ministry of care team in a system of recovery providing services that are practical and powerful, promoting faith, authenticity, and wellness.